The Internet Cant Handle How BANANAS Sofia Vergara Looks Naked

onfident, internationally recognizable, 45-years-old, oh and naked.

Those are just a few keywords media outlets have been using today to convey just how monumental it is that Sofia Vergara is on this month’s cover of Women’s Healthbutt naked.

Is her nudity empowering, though? Or objectifying? Or unrealistic? Or a little bit of all of the above?

Twitter users have started unpacking these very questions and as in love as we are with Sofia’s confidence they’ve kinda got a point

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Author: donramos313

I am a Pennsylvania-native developer United Nations agency presently lives in Washington, USA—though i'm typically on the road even as typically as i'm not. Originally starting my career as a complete WordPress theme aficionado, Dan's focus is currently on all things hypertext mark-up language & CSS and my new love for Ruby on Rails. I even have vie keyboard since i used to be 3 and loves unerect in my outsized bag chair, enjoying Xbox or taking note of sensible music.

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